Monday, January 17, 2011

A word or two about Nurturers

Teachers are a special family for certain. 
The opportunity to support, nurture and empower those around them would seem to define their purpose. 
Enormous hearts overflowing with love cultivating future generations, teachers have a unique and special gift. 
No matter what is being taught, it is a powerful offering; an act of giving.  The concept of balance needs occupy space within the life of 'the giving soul'. 
 At a time when a need for direction is so evident, these 'bright lights' shine brighter with the intent of reaching as many people as possible. 
The danger facing the nurturer is in giving so much that a type of 'spirit malnutrition' can occur.
It is vital to provide oneself a compassionate sanctuary to rest, feed and love within. 
Instinctively, those born to lead, inform and care for others do so tirelessly.  Demand a portion of your love to be yours. 
Allowing joy in your own life will ensure that your heart remain strong, and that the hands to which that heart speaks  will be around to offer support for ages to come. 
Caring for countless souls demands we start by loving just one; our own.  I do not share these words from a place of mastery but rather from membership of a large number of souls seeking balance.

Saying Goodbye

Old friend;
You protected me in my youth, allowed me the chance to become a man.
On those dark nights that it did not seem I would ever feel warmth again,
you stayed by my side until the dawn.
There has never been a more tireless ally in a thousand years, across countless battlefields.
my debt to you I will repay with compassion and honour, indeed  precious currencies,
not to be squandered.
Now, I stand on the shore of the rest of my life seduced by opportunity and enamoured by possibility.
The armour you helped me forge out neccessity becomes heavier with everyday that passes long after the faces of my foes have dissipated, as if smoke gently carried away by the wind after embers run cold.
I cannot feel love through this iron skin, and it serves me no longer.
You gave me the courage to survive, for this I will be ever grateful, now I must learn a different kind of courage; I need to become adept at exchange my blade for love.
You the tactician, fending off all threat.  No more, I now choose trust.
I will honour you for the rest of my days, but I must say goodbye so that I may live my life.
It is the hardest farewell I have ever endured, alas, I must reunite with my heart.
It cries out to me endlessly, I choose to listen, to flourish.