At 10:03 last night. as I was watching the surrender behind the purple mountains before me
sitting in the sand at Jericho beach I had a powerful epiphany
Consider this idea;
What if at birth the moment our energy, personality and our spirits are born into the world as well
but like dandelion spores cast off into the air
Each little piece of ourselves floating in countless directions and distances.
Then too does it not make sense that our mission in life discover and collect all these pieces of ourselves?
Each achivement, relationship, challenge and choice. Every kiss, every tear making us more of who we are destined to be.
We all know what it is to be hurt, and if we allow ourselves..we can know love.
Through our tendency as humans to gain control and master life a strange consequence may have resulted.
Our efforts to numb pain have been...'successful'... but cause an imbalance a frailty of sorts.
Pain and suffering are not the same thing. I wish suffering upon no man, not even my enemy.
But remains an important context. When it is darkest, we cherish the sunrise.
When feel alone, a lover's embrace is epic
I need my pain it allows me to define what I value, it gives the wisdom to happiness and joy are to be strived and appreciated when attained.
Lost loves, fallen souls, battles lost...I love you all...for you have made who I am today and strongly influence who I decide to be tommorrow