Thursday, December 16, 2010

An Odd Truth

Experience may teach

                              But only consequence
offers an opportunity for


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Democracy idealizes freedom.. Yes.  It is however a more potent ingredient to a fulfilling life when we remember to value it.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Every Artist

I often ponder the triumphant beauty of this earth.
Authentic; 'This is the life!' moments, in these moments I am compelled to cheer,
May we all cheer with robust vigor and genuine respect.
The 'good', the 'bad', each perceptions of all living beings,
culminating to construct the canvas that is our universe.
It is up to every individual to 'paint' what they see, as well as what it is in their heart.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

King Bee

Is our purpose any more noble or righteous
than that of the bumble bee?

Perhaps this creature's movements, its behaviour
may be seen as erratic.

Could the venture's of man be characterized as any less so?
Blessed with the freedom of flight, and obsolved of the burden of ego,
in this way, the curious bumble bee does appear even more beautiful.

Its name; 'bumble'...CLEARLY a misnomer.
Despite being proportionately robust...this spirit is purposeful and proficient
...the flowers will testify.
Its rhythmic buzzing is distinct...quite a jovial and admirable insect you are to me
bumble bee.
Carry on beeing, carry on
Whilst two-billion humans insist upon bumbling about their lives,
you simply continue to be....a bumble bee.


Fallen warriors whisper their secrets of fortitude and cunning.
Their valiant crusades and often horrific pain
shared with us upon thoughtful, crisp autumn winds.

True warriors honour their wounds but, are cautious
not to lament over them for too long...
for pity like quicksand can exert a strong grip,
from which escape is arduous and uncertain.

A wealth of ageless experience and wisdom,
knowledge more vast than the sky itself..
the warrior's tale longs to be embraced.
A Pilgrimage toward enlightenment and self-discovery
will always recruit companions and allies
provided that authenticity and courage be tenets
of membership


Of little value is it to be sure-footed,
or of strong back'
when one's heart is staked to the ground of
dreams passed.


The steaming stench of gluttonous profit and guiltless exploitation,
by comparison... curiously bestows a fragrance as sweet as lilac
upon death itself.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A stubborn weed

Arrogance and Assumption;
collaborate to provide rich, fertile ground
for misunderstanding to take root.


The strength to break the shackles of societal conformity is all I ask.
Empower me with the courage to release the joy within myself An individual special and bright lurks beneath an identity forged by expectation; but desire restrained.
To love without fear of pain; Freedom allows our tears to be accepted willingly, like the first drops of rain to kiss green grasses after baking in the summer sun.
The opportunity to laugh and embrace without hesitation is so seductive, Freedom relies on the belief that these expressions contain all the value of a thousand treasures.
Let my eyes see truth and honour both within, and outside myself; it is there. My passion is much like the powerful Tiger; feared as a result of misunderstanding and ignorance.
The ferocity of my passion is to be respected not feared...
Once freed that dynamic capacity to love, and be loved is not only rare.. It is worthy of admiration. It inspires me and embodys all that is special about the world.

Who Told You that You are Not Loved?

Every love song sung, every painting ever hung
Every poem scripted.
All of these creations of art, the physical expressions of the heart
All of these I say! belong to every soul on the planet equally.

Lennon, Monet, Joyce, Klimt, Michaelangelo, Gibran,

I have seen your heartache in your brushstroke, heard the joy in your song, and felt the passion within your words. You created so that I may learn it is not a lesson unattended.

At some point within our lives all that has been forged in the fire of the hearts of artists has relatability to our own experience.
Embrace these gifts. They are for you.

soft opinion

At 10:03 last night. as I was watching the surrender behind the purple mountains before me
sitting in the sand at Jericho beach I had a powerful epiphany
Consider this idea;
What if at birth the moment our energy, personality and our spirits are born into the world as well
but like dandelion spores cast off into the air
Each little piece of ourselves floating in countless directions and distances.
Then too does it not make sense that our mission in life discover and collect all these pieces of ourselves?
Each achivement, relationship, challenge and choice. Every kiss, every tear making us more of who we are destined to be.
We all know what it is to be hurt, and if we allow ourselves..we can know love.
Through our tendency as humans to gain control and master life a strange consequence may have resulted.
Our efforts to numb pain have been...'successful'... but cause an imbalance a frailty of sorts.
Pain and suffering are not the same thing. I wish suffering upon no man, not even my enemy.
But remains an important context. When it is darkest, we cherish the sunrise.
When feel alone, a lover's embrace is epic
I need my pain it allows me to define what I value, it gives the wisdom to happiness and joy are to be strived and appreciated when attained.
Lost loves, fallen souls, battles lost...I love you all...for you have made who I am today and strongly influence who I decide to be tommorrow

Firm Truth

There are many lies swirling about us, ever seeking the receptive ear,
Let me reveal one of the most dangerous misconceptions to you now...


All that has value is earned, you cannot evade this truth.
To the elite, the affluent, I caution you...
In your final hours should this clarity finally reach you within your guilded tower, dominion over a golden empire will not save you.
You will fall from staggering heights, harder than any man you call servant.
All must be worked for, sweat is the currency of those with character.
Even peace must be laboured upon. What greater project of construction? The pyramids, like ant hills look on with wonderment.
No man is to be scolded for mistaking apethy for peace..but out of compassion; I would certainly see him warned.
Within the silence, war may be convalescing..awaiting the next opportunity.
Call your integrity to service and fight to preserve that which is pure...
Love without expectation...existing only because it is joyous and selfless.

I dreamt of a new word, a new concept

the feeling of inclusion...
being part of a family that surpasses, reaches beyond my geneology.
Yes, I have faith in the human capacity to love limitlessly...I have seen it! heard whispers of it in countless songs.
To empower others, support them and encourage their every effort. In doing so immortality trascends legend and becomes attainable.
Love me not for who I am, or who I aspire to be.
Love me for what it is I believe in with every fibre of my being.
I do not want to succeed alone. In that, there is no joy.
Together, unified we can reshape the universe.
Fragmented, isolated we simply consume, feeling hollow.
Mother earth and her sorrow is a testament to the damage done by the 'individual' mind.
Join with me in community so that we may fulfill countless dreams, I have neither the energy nor the heart to watch
singular dreams destroy the potential that could only be possible a larger love and a unified dream."

Political alliteration polka.

Profoundly puzzling it is when one pauses to ponder how it came to be that the primary project of the polished politician consists to solely be pointless pontification.
Presumptuously praddling on about public policy,
These paradoxical pundits placate we the people; who often prematurely place them upon the pedestal of policital power.
Passive participation plaguing the potentcy of our democratic practice!
This pithy, poetic parlance perhaps proposes a punitive process be provided to protect the people and their pride and progeny.