Sunday, November 7, 2010

I dreamt of a new word, a new concept

the feeling of inclusion...
being part of a family that surpasses, reaches beyond my geneology.
Yes, I have faith in the human capacity to love limitlessly...I have seen it! heard whispers of it in countless songs.
To empower others, support them and encourage their every effort. In doing so immortality trascends legend and becomes attainable.
Love me not for who I am, or who I aspire to be.
Love me for what it is I believe in with every fibre of my being.
I do not want to succeed alone. In that, there is no joy.
Together, unified we can reshape the universe.
Fragmented, isolated we simply consume, feeling hollow.
Mother earth and her sorrow is a testament to the damage done by the 'individual' mind.
Join with me in community so that we may fulfill countless dreams, I have neither the energy nor the heart to watch
singular dreams destroy the potential that could only be possible a larger love and a unified dream."

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