Thursday, February 24, 2011

A wonderful teaching - II

Powerful cyclones of breath are conceived within my lungs.
These organic winds are not destructive,
but rather life giving, nurturing my soul and empowering my physical body.
Precious energy radiates to the most remote regions of my body
with every inhalation.
My memories, dreams and sorrows all surrender to the cool healing internal breeze.
Calm and quite, a rejuvenating rhythm finds its own  existance next to my heart.
All my brothers and sisters surround and support me, and I them.
As my breath becomes serene so to does mind
Often behaving as a young child, willful and mischievious in need of discipline and love equally.
Placid thoughts
they both exist because of my breath and collaborate with it.
My consciousness enlightened through the gift of air
begins to realize that a lifetime can transpire between two breaths
Within this community of souls that choose to honour mind, body and soul
Breath is the offering we extend to ourselves
Our bodies reward us through through a higher state of awareness
and the windows of our hearts opened wide now to let a greater amount love in.
My community of Yogis; a family of believers that love one another.
This belief is in ourselves as well as the livng things around us.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The song unheard

Your heartlight half-lit,
 as the rusty old lantern hanging out on the porch.
Gasping for that last swallow of kerosene.
A hopeless effort in the wee hours of the morning, to flicker just a little longer,
to continue to dance under the twilight endlessly.
I slide into pity.
I have far more insight into singing the ballad that has no audience... far more insight than I care to.
What storms from within the centre of your heart have pulled you off course? Away from me
Once I sighed in warm confience, feeling each of our spirits moored securely to the tender fortitude of our love.
But now, where have you gone that you are so far? 
not able to hear the symphony of passion rising to serenade you form the depths of my soul.
It feels as though my longings may be anchored to futility.
How painful to tell a loving story, with nobody listening?...
Did it ever exist?
The only evidence of our love; eyes as red as burning embers,
dry and salty creases down my face where rivers of tears raged violently.
I may never sing again.